My Favorite IPhone 5 Apps


Since I received my IPhone 5, I have been obsessed. All the functions this device can do, becomes overwhelming. Especially deciding on what applications to download. I made a list of my favorite applications I use on a daily basis. These all have made my life a lot easier to manage. Apps are constantly being developed by app developers like Novodathis means keeping up with apps can be very hard.  But apps are an important part of our lives. They are categorized and are all free applications. Try some of them out if they appeal to you! Most of these should also be accessible for my fellow Droid users too! 


Charity Miles

One of my favorite fitness apps. Bikers earn 10¢ a mile and walkers and runners earn 25¢ a mile. Simply turn on the app, choose a charity, and press start. As you exercise, your distance and money earned is being tracked by GPS (only works outside). When you’re finished you accept your sponsorship and the money is donated.

I am a huge animal lover and I always run for ASPCA, the animal Charity. I love seeing how many vaccinations I have earned to help innocent cats and dogs. It motivates me to keep running! 

 Map My Run

MapMyRun is a fitness tracking application that enables you to use the built-in GPS of your mobile device to track all of your fitness activities. Record your workout details, including duration, distance, pace, speed, elevation, calories burned, and route traveled on an interactive map. 

I use this app and the Charity Miles at the same time while I am running. I cannot live without this now. It shows each route while I run or walk. I add comments to my workout if needed and keeps my runs logged. There are multiple sports to choose from and each mile I run, a voice comes on and tell me my split time and distance. This helped out HUGE for my 25K…I am addicted to this app! 


 Shop Kick

You get rewarded for the shopping you already do, both at home and at the store. Earn kicks (reward points) just for walking into stores like Target, Macy’s, Best Buy, Old Navy, American Eagle and Crate & Barrel. Get even more kicks when you scan items and make purchases. You’ll also find great products, discounts and deals in the app that you can browse from anywhere.

You pick a reward to earn. I chose to go for the Target gift card. So my Kick reward point add up until I get enough and then redeem the gift card. It is for $5, $10, or $20. Not much, but it’s free and for just walking into a store and earning points, I will take it!


Groupon brings you unbeatable deals with discounts of 50–90% where you live! Categories include  goods, restaurants, gifts, pets, travel, etc. Something for everyone, all while being at a discount.

I enjoy having this app on my phone because if a local deal pops up for a restaurant at 50%, I buy it and can redeem it that night! I just show my voucher on my phone and am rewarded the coupon. This is an app that can become addicting, so be careful!



You just snap a photo with your phone and then choose from more than a dozen filters (such as an old school Polaroid look or a professional glow). I do not use this app as often as other people, but it is a lot of fun! I love how you can change a picture into a photo that looks professional with one tap. You will definitely be surprised at your photography skills. Also, to gain more “followers,” remember to #hashtag your pictures!

Photo Collage

Choose one layout with the number of pictures you want to use. Place photos to each frame of the layout. A beautiful photo collage comes out.

I love using this app for more than one picture. I can put together multiple photos from a Holiday or occasion and they turn out beautiful. You can choose to send it to instagram, where you can continue to edit or even post it on Facebook! 



With Maps, you get real-time traffic information to calculate your ETA. Maps gives you details on what’s causing a backup, so you can tell if there’s a major incident or just a temporary slowdown. And if traffic’s a mess, Maps offers alternative routes to save you time.As you approach a turn, Maps speaks directions, so you can keep your eyes on the road. In addition, the screen turns into a 3D perspective view of the road ahead.

This app has saved me so much time. I previously wanted a GPS for my car, but not anymore, because I use this! Siri tells me when to turn, how far away I am and shows my route as I am driving. For the directional challenged, such as myself, this app comes in handy!

You Version

 Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device.

This is another favorite app of mine. I listen to the Bible while I am at work. You select a plan, from hundreds of choices and can ran or listen by audio to your choice. I plug in my headphones and listen to the plans I have chosen during work. It is such an amazing app and gives you no excuse to not get your daily dose of the Bible!


I enjoy having this application. With one click, I can check out my comments, edit a post, upload pictures for a post and manage all my wonderful spam!

It is so simple and quick on my I Phone. It saves me a lot of time managing whatever I need to on my blog. 


 *If you want anymore information about any of these apps, please leave a comment or e-mail! These are all FREE so definitely check them out!


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